Barber & Sandi Harris Lutemakers
and Price List 2017
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Links to other sites Stephen's
son Robert lives and works with his wife, Charlotte, in Maun, Botswana, and has set up his own
guiding company, Golden Okavango, specialising in private guided tours
in Botswana'a famous sites, including the Okavango Delta, the Kalahari
Desert, Chobe National Park and the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans; Robert
can also arrange tours to the Victoria Falls in Zambia (near the border
crossing of Kazungula, between Botswana and Zambia). The site has
recently been updated and improved, and has a large range of new and
exciting images, so that the visitor can get a good 'feel' of what
Robert and Charlotte are doing: Gary
Southwell, classical guitar maker, specialist in copies of 19th Century
guitars, and a brilliant innovator; Gary is an old friend and colleague: Pete
Oxley, jazz guitarist, archetier (violin bow-maker) and raconteur
par excellence is based in Headington, Oxford; source of many
of our best jokes. Pete's site is at present devoted to his activities
as a jazz musician, and lists upcoming gigs and CD releases: We haven't known violinist extraordinaire Lizzie Ball for more than a few years, although it seems like much longer. She is a pivotal force in Classico Latino and Eclectica, ensembles well worth going to see. You should hear her live, singing The Girl From Ipanema or River by Joni Mitchell, then play stunning solo runs on her violin; go, girl. She's
doing rather a good Veronica Lake on her homepage: Light
Entertainment (mock your favourite musician type here): Robin
Carter is an old friend and colleague of Stephen's from our college
days together; he runs a timber supply business, Timber Resources,
based in Milland, near Liphook, Hampshire, England. A specialist in
European timbers, Robin's expertise and knowledge are second to none. Brian
Payne, lutenist; Brian studied lute with the late, great Tom Finucane: Violinmaker
Marc Soubeyran, an old friend and inspiring colleague, launched his
website in October 2010: Eric
Wilhelm Kleinmann, specialist maker of early harp. Eric is a good
friend and colleague, we often find ourselves attending the same exhibition: Ut
Orpheus Edizione, Italian music publishers - lute, vihuela & baroque
guitar music; our preferred suppliers of parmigiano, when they're
not attending horrid recorder 'festivals' where gangs of insane recorder
'players' compete to see who can play the 'brown' note loudest (for
an explanation of the 'brown' note, refer to South Park): Andrew
Maginley, lutenist, theorbo and baroque guitar player; we met Andy
through Pat O'Brien, who was his first lute teacher. Andy's site features
a copy of a 1680 Voboam guitar we made for him, which has Sandi's
Pegasus brandmark clearly visible: Carl
Willetts, a member of the Canterbury Waits, has posted images of Sandi's
late father Tony Harris, on his website: Emma
Curtis, contralto; Emma often works with Andy in addition to pursuing
her own career: Arto
Wikla, lutenist, decent human being and all-round bon-viveur:
Kingham MTM Case Co; based in Essex, but don't hold that against
them they make the best cases around: Our
good friend the Dutch viol-maker Bert Dekker, whom we often stand
next to at exhibitions; Bert is based in Vries, just south of Groningen: Helmut
Pöser; master violin-maker based in Regensburg, and a good friend;
Helmut offers a range of baroque instruments, as well as inlaid fingerboards
and tailpieces:
Anssi Mattila, Finnish harpsichord genius and beer expert (his
collection of Belgian beer glasses rivals Stephen's collection of
200+ German Weißbier glasses; it's probably accurate to say
that we have each drunk our way as it were through all
of our respective glasses):